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Natural Language
flowtech analyses any information expressed in natural languages, such as email, chat, reviews, and more.
Real Time
It provides real-time insight into customers' emotional perceptions, along with the key statistics you need at your fingertips.
Trend Detection
You can monitor the evolution of key emotions over time, identify potential problems early and act on opportunities.
From Data to Insight
The information is intelligently organized by content type, allowing the most appropriate processes to be automatically activated.
Classification & Topic Detection
You always have an eye on the automatic classification of topics, and constant monitoring of the most popular subjects mentioned by customers.
Advanced Analytics
You can see every single message in detail and use advanced analysis tools.
Needs & Opinions
flowtech highlights deep needs and opinions and can generate perfect responses that also take into account the customer's state of mind.
Artificial Intelligence
flowtech's Artificial Intelligence works for you, identifying potential critical issues early, alerting you to opportunities to be seized, and suggesting valuable actionable insights.
Advanced Comparison
Compare performance over time and across channels.
Customer Monitoring
Visualize changing customer perceptions and interests in real-time.
Report Generation
And create rich, professional reports to share with colleagues.
Try flowtech for free
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